martes, 2 de agosto de 2011

Let's start this up

Hello everyone!

You might be wondering what's this all about and I plan on explaining that on whatever brevity I find most describing.

A long time ago, when I was a little toddler, I wrote particularly well. Actually, and I say this based on other peoples' critique, my stories were pretty good for a little kid. I enjoyed the writing process thoroughly, from the tales' conception to the actual writing to posterior edition of said text. I always felt I was filled with stories that screamed for the opportunity to be laid on paper.

Sadly, as years went by, the quill started getting less and less attention. Eventually, things like friends, relationships and studies became most important in my life, sending writing to a not so fabulous third, maybe even lower, position.

Years passed, my writing muscles got all cramped up and I was no longer able to write a proper story. This predicament even got accentuated by the fact that I went to engineering school, where writing isn't something the professors motivate the students to do.

6 long years of hard-cold math and computer science later, I'm finally out into the world to follow my dreams and do whatever I want with my life, and what do I want? To write again. I wish to regain the love I had for the written word, the pleasure of crafting a world letter by letter and the beauty of sentences flowing into each other.

In this blog, I plan to record the step towards becoming the writer I want to be: the ups and the lows, the goods and the bads. I also hope to share with all of you whatever useful resource I find and any tip I may discover in this long and difficult process.

Hopefully this will be a fun trip for everyone. Enjoy the ride!

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